We have an extensive number of tools covering a wide variety of dimensions – call us with your requirements. Close tolerances can be held by grinding. Typical shapes available (for all materials):
Rings (can be designed with slots, notches, counter bores, etc.)
Rectangles/Squares (can be designed with inner diameters)
Custom Shapes
Key features of ceramic magnets:
Resistant to demagnetization (high coercive force)
Can be magnetized before or after assembly
Chemically inert
Made from non-strategic raw materials
Can be magnetized (ie. axial, diametrical, radial or multi-pole) in any direction
Electrical-Mechanical (torque couplings for water meters, reed or hall switch actuators, relays, rotors, frictionless bearings for watt-hour meters, instruments, etc.)
Electronic and Polarizing (magnetic focusing or deflection,
pre-sintered slugs
pre-sintered rings
pre-sintered rings
sintered slugs
sintered rectangles
assorted shapes
assorted shapes
coupling sensor
air bag sensor (1st generation))
fluid sensors
fluid switch
water meter counter
examples of tooled shapes
Let us Help You Find SomethingWe can custom build any shape to your specifications.