Ferricore, Inc.: Production Ticket (Yonkers, NY 1945)
National Moldite Co. PO: Collins Radio Co. (1956)
National Moldite Co.: Customer Correspondence - The More Things Change...(Hillside, NJ 1956)
National Moldite Co. PO: RCA (1956)
National Moldite Co. PO: The Lionel Corp. (1956)
National Moldite Co.: Tool Room (Hillside, NJ ~1952)
National Moldite Co.: Powder Room (Hillside, NJ ~1952)
National Moldite Co.: Press Room (Hillside, NJ ~1952)
National Moldite Co.: Product Offering
Paul A. Oberbeck (Newark, NJ 1977)
Ceramic Elements Co.: Management - Amigo & Carlos (Plainfield, NJ 1981)
Paul B. Oberbeck (Newark, NJ 1988)
National Magnetics Group, Inc.: Remediation (Newark, NJ 1994)
CMI Technology, Inc. (Santa Clara, CA 1991)
TRAK Ceramics, Inc. (Hagerstown, MD 2001)
Kane Magnetics Inc. Equipment Install (Bethlehem, PA 2005)
TCI Ceramics, Inc. Expansion (Bethlehem, PA 2005)
Solar Panel Install (Bethlehem, PA 2011)
Ceramic Powders, Inc. (Joliet, IL 2013)
Ceramic Powders, Inc.: Spray Dryer move - measure twice cut once? 2013
Ceramic Powders, Inc.: Ball Mill Install (Bethlehem, PA 2013)
Ferronics, Inc. (Fairport, NY 2013)
Ferronics, Inc.: Kiln Transport (Bethlehem, PA 2014)
Expansion (Bethlehem, PA 2014)
Ceramic Powders, Inc.: Spray Dryer Install (Bethlehem, PA 2014)
Ceramic Powders, Inc.: Spray Dryer Install (Bethlehem, PA 2014)
Ceramic Magnetics, Inc. (Fairfield, NJ 2015)
Ceramic Magnetics, Inc.: ISO Press Install (Bethlehem, PA 2016)